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3-Minute Mornings

The key to a better, greater day is just three minutes away.

Can you imagine changing the course of your day in only three minutes? Scripture promises that His mercies are new every morning. When you wake up, or before you leave the house, take three minutes to declare God's favor and freedom over your life. We encourage you to get a second copy of 3-Minute Mornings to bless a friend or family member.

You Are Blessed

A Mother’s Heart

Today's Word: MAY 12, 2024

In the Scripture, we see some amazing mothers who set tremendous examples for us—Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary. I love that the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, a young man who had great courage and integrity, that his strong faith came through the influence of his mother and grandmother. I’m sure they had days when they wondered about young Timothy and whether what they were doing mattered. But those women kept investing in him, praying for him, being an example of faith to him, and their impact ended up helping shape his character and led to a lasting legacy. Remember, whether you are a mother or not, you can have a mother’s heart that encourages, inspires, and invests in the lives of the people around you. The heart of a mother is one that nurtures and influences people with love and tenderness. Know that with every hug, every prayer, every encouraging word, and every tear, you are making a difference and impacting future generations. There’s nothing on Earth like the treasure of a mother’s heart.



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